In 1973, the Rhode Island General Assembly established the Rhode
Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation (today RIHousing) to tackle the
state’s widespread, critical housing issues. 45 years later, RIHousing has
helped generations of Rhode Islanders across the State find a place to call
Our State has changed since 1973 and we have changed with it. We
are proud of the many accomplishments we’ve achieved, and the partnerships
we’ve forged along the way. It is due to
these strong partnerships – with elected officials, lenders, realtors, community
development corporations, non- and for-profit developers, banks, advocates,
federal, state and municipal leaders and agencies – that we have been able to
help so many Rhode Islanders.
In honor of our 45th anniversary, RIHousing will be honoring
partners at its annual State House Meet & Greet. These partners have been
instrumental in transforming RI communities and understand that housing
development not only builds homes, but just as important, creates communities
where people can live, work, and enjoy a high quality of life:
Carla DeStefano, Executive Director, SWAP,
Inc. (Providence)
Frank Shea, Former Executive Director, ONE
Neighborhood Builders (Providence)
Jennifer Hawkins, Executive Director, ONE
Neighborhood Builders
Jeanne Cola, Executive Director, LISC Rhode
Jim Reed, Former Executive Director, Housing
Authority of Newport
Rhonda Mitchell, Executive Director, Housing
Authority of Newport
Joe Garlick, Executive Director, NeighborWorks
Blackstone River Valley
Linda Weisinger, Executive Director, Pawtucket
Central Falls Development
Nancy Whit, Former Executive Director,
Pawtucket Central Falls Development
The 2018 State House Meet & Greet will be held on Tuesday April 24 from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM in
the State House’s State Room. Please join us!